Golden Yin And Yang #1

by Darice Machel McGuire
Original - Sold
9.000 x 9.000 inches
This piece has been already sold. Please feel free to contact the artist directly regarding this or other pieces.
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Golden Yin And Yang #1
Darice Machel McGuire
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
Two halves that together complete wholeness. Yin and yang are also the starting point for change. When something is whole, by definition, it’s unchanging and complete. So when you split something into two halves – yin/yang, it upsets the equilibrium of wholeness. Both halves are chasing after each other as they seek a new balance with each other.
This painting is done on a 9 inch round canvas. The square black background was added for uploading purposes only. The background color can be changed to suite your tastes.
This is one of my acrylic pour paintings. Embellishing it with the Koi fish really enhanced the look and feel. I call it Golden Yin and Yang for obvious reasons. But it can easily represent the Pisces symbol too.
I have two versions of this image one with the white background you see here, and one with a black background.
May 1st, 2018