Colorful Koi

by Darice Machel McGuire
Original - Sold
10.000 x 8.000 inches
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Colorful Koi
Darice Machel McGuire
Painting - Acrylic On Watercolor Paper
These "Colorful Koi", are playfully swimming in a circle. They look as if they are trying to catch each others tail. The rainbow colors are perfect for a child's bedroom or any room of your house that needs a bit of brightening.
The original painting sold.
Here is a little info about Koi.
Koi or more specifically nishikigoi are ornamental varieties of domesticated common carp. Koi varieties are distinguished by coloration, patterning, and scalation. Some of the major colors are white, black, red, yellow, blue, and cream. The maximum size for koi is around 3 feet in length and 20 pounds overall weight. But most koi will never reach this truly jumbo size. 20-24� and around 12 pounds in weight is more typical for an average fully grown koi. Well cared for koi will live approximately 25 to 35 years, on average. Some fish will tough it out for considerably longer. A truly exceptional Japanese koi named Hanako lived to the ripe old age of 226 years.
"Copyright 2016, Darice Machel McGuire, all rights reserved"
May 3rd, 2016