Vase of Marigolds Metal Print

by Darice Machel McGuire

Product Details
Vase of Marigolds metal print by Darice Machel McGuire. Bring your artwork to life with the stylish lines and added depth of a metal print. Your image gets printed directly onto a sheet of 1/16" thick aluminum. The aluminum sheet is offset from the wall by a 3/4" thick wooden frame which is attached to the back. The high gloss of the aluminum sheet complements the rich colors of any image to produce stunning results.
Design Details
Funny story about this painting. Several years ago I had this painting in a show in Chico, in 2005. A gentleman was very taken with it and nearly... more
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Artist's Description
Funny story about this painting. Several years ago I had this painting in a show in Chico, in 2005. A gentleman was very taken with it and nearly bought it on the spot. He decided to wait. I moved back to Tahoe to help run my parents gallery two weeks after that show. I stayed in Tahoe for two years then moved back to Chico. Another three years past, the same man came into a gallery where I was working and saw the painting and recognized it. He didn't recognize me. Once again he was drawn to the painting, but at the time did not have the money to buy it. I ran into him again at an art reception. We talked for quite some time and worked out a deal for him to get the painting. I didn't hear from him again and thought he had once again changed his mind. More time went by. I put the painting In a local business for several months. The day I went there to change out a few paintings, and I bring them back to my studio.m in walks the guy about a hour later. He wanted to know where his painti...
About Darice Machel McGuire

Darice Machel McGuire lived on the beautiful Island of Maui from 2012 until the Lahaina fire on August 8th, 2023, destroyed her art studio. She and her husband have relocated to Grass Valley, California. They purchased a commercial building to reestablish their art studios. McGuire's Hawaii and California landscape oil and acrylic paintings are gracing the homes and offices of collectors nationally and internationally. McGuire's choice of subject matter comes from her love of nature and all that surrounds her on a daily basis. She paints in large and small formats. Three of the five galleries that represented her work were destroyed by the Lahaina fire. The two remaining galleries are Karen Lei's Gallery in Kahakuloa and Karen Lei's...