Vase of Marigolds
by Darice Machel McGuire
Original - Sold
16.000 x 20.000 inches
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Vase of Marigolds
Darice Machel McGuire
Painting - Oil On Canvas
Funny story about this painting. Several years ago I had this painting in a show in Chico, in 2005. A gentleman was very taken with it and nearly bought it on the spot. He decided to wait. I moved back to Tahoe to help run my parents gallery two weeks after that show. I stayed in Tahoe for two years then moved back to Chico. Another three years past, the same man came into a gallery where I was working and saw the painting and recognized it. He didn't recognize me. Once again he was drawn to the painting, but at the time did not have the money to buy it. I ran into him again at an art reception. We talked for quite some time and worked out a deal for him to get the painting. I didn't hear from him again and thought he had once again changed his mind. More time went by. I put the painting In a local business for several months. The day I went there to change out a few paintings, and I bring them back to my studio.m in walks the guy about a hour later. He wanted to know where his painting was. I laughed and pointed to the table where it was laying waiting to be hung in the studio. He was so happy to finally buy this painting. It was a special gift he had been wanting to get for his mom. It just took him quite awhile to do it.
I just love a "Happily ever after" kind of story. Don’t you?
The original painting is 16x20, oil on canvas. I created it using a palette knife and many layers of paint.
" Copyright 2010, Darice Machel McGuire All Rights Reserved "
January 14th, 2009