Swimming With Aloha
by Darice Machel McGuire
Original - Sold
10.000 x 8.000 inches
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Swimming With Aloha
Darice Machel McGuire
Painting - Acrylic On Board
I'm continuing my Honu ( sea turtle ) series with this 8 x 10 acrylic painting. "Swimming With Aloha", fun title for a fun painting. This one I did with a new to me paint, Turner Acryl Gouache. I saw an ad in the Acrylic Artist magazine, advertising this paint at a really low price so I bought a couple of started sets to try it out. So far I've painted about 8 miniatures on watercolor board and now this painting on canvas. I didn't notice much difference on the watercolor board, but boy there is a big difference on the canvas. The paint dries to a matte finish which gives the painting a velvety look. I was both surprised and excited with the finished piece. I'll be using this paint more.
Here in Maui Hawaii there are lots of beaches where these gentle creatures come to rest. On land they may be slow but in the ocean they are graceful and powerful.
"Copyright 2016, Darice Machel McGuire, All rights reserved"
May 3rd, 2016