Mother and Baby Humpback

by Darice Machel McGuire
Original - Sold
10.000 x 8.000 inches
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Mother and Baby Humpback
Darice Machel McGuire
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas Board
Mother humpback is protecting her baby. As all moms know, giving birth and those first months in a newborn’s life is a profoundly intense and special time. Like most baby animals, humpbacks learn how to feed from their mothers who pass on their lessons on feeding to their calves. Humpback whale mothers teach their calves to return to the same summer feeding grounds in Alaska.This culture of passing down site preference to offspring is crucial in that it allows the young whales to become familiar with certain places in the vast ocean where they can count on food and refuge.
My acrylic 8x10 painting is a tribute to this wonderful mother and baby bond. Thank you for taking the time to visit my painting.
"Copyright 2020, Darice Machel McGuire, all rights reserved"
January 18th, 2020