by Darice Machel McGuire
Original - Not For Sale
11.000 x 14.000 inches
This piece is not for sale. Please feel free to contact the artist directly regarding this or other pieces.
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Darice Machel McGuire
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
The iiwi is one of the most spectacular of Hawaiian honeycreepers. Believed to have evolved from a single ancestor species. A medium-sized honeycreeper, the adult iiwi is vivid scarlet in colour, with black wings and tail, a yellow eye ring, and a long, salmon-pink, distinctly downcurved beak.The wing linings are whitish, tinged scarlet, and there is a white patch at the top of the wings. The legs are pink, with brown toes. Once occurring on all the main islands of the Hawaiian Archipelago, the iiwi is now extinct on Lana’i Island, and only tiny populations, of fewer than 50 birds, remain on O’ahu and Moloka’i. The species’ main strongholds are now Hawai’i, Maui and Kaua’i islands.
We often go to Hosmer Grove on Haleakala to try and photograph these tiny birds. which is easier said then done.
The background of this painting was done using the acrylic pour technique. I think the colors were perfect for showing off this sweet little island bird.
NOTE; This painting, along with my entire inventory and art studio, was destroyed in the Lahaina fire on August 8th, 2023.
"Copyright 2018, Darice Machel McGuire, all rights reserved"
July 5th, 2018