Coming At Cha
by Darice Machel McGuire
Original - Sold
10.000 x 8.000 inches
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Coming At Cha
Darice Machel McGuire
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
Imagine you're swimming along in the warm waters of Maui and you see this fellow "Coming at cha". What do you do? Give him room that's what. Hawaiian green sea turtles are endangered and protected. In Hawai‘i, we view turtles respectfully. Give turtles space and don’t feed, chase, or touch them. It's recommended that you stay at least 10 feet from all sea turtles on land or in the sea. Sometimes, a sea turtle may swim towards you and you may not notice it right away, when you do move out of his way.
To the Hawaiian people, sea turtles or “Honu,” are sacred creatures. They embody good luck, protection, endurance and long life. For Hawaiians then and now, the Honu represents the navigator, and the eternal link between man, the land and the sea. One Hawaiian legend tells of a large Honu, Kailua, who would transform into a human girl and served as protector of the Keiki (children) playing along the shore of Punalu’u Beach.
The abstract background of my painting was done with the acrylic pouring technique. This gives the illusion of moving water and is perfect for my realistic sea creature.
"Copyright 2019, Darice Machel McGuire, all rights reserved"
November 2nd, 2019